How Firewall Security Works

Firewall security software is a barrier between the organization’s network and network traffic. It follows a set of configured rules to determine which incoming (and sometimes outgoing) data is legitimate and trusted. It is an integral part of cybersecurity. A firewall is a network device or program that filters and keeps out malicious content. Firewall security solutions can be based on hardware, software, virtual machines, or deployed on the cloud. Most organizations employ a combination to ensure maximum network security. Even a single compromised device on an organization’s network can bring all systems down. This would be especially bad for companies storing large amounts of private user data

According to the 2020 State of Malware Report by MalwareByte Labs, malware detections on business endpoints have increased by 13% over the previous year. This indicates that the number of malicious players posing security threats to businesses is on the rise. An appropriate firewall software will protect the organization from denial of service (DDoS) attacks, spam, viruses, OS-related bugs, email session hijacking, application backdoor exploitation, and many other threats. As such, it is safe to say that a firewall security system is imperative for organizations of all sizes.


How Firewall Security Works

Firewalls work by analyzing packets of data against a set of rules set up by the network administrator. There are three ways in which firewall security software primarily works:

  • Filtering packets: This involves analyzing packets of incoming data and blocking them by checking security rules for valid IP protocol, port number, or IP address. Examples of protocols include HTTP (web traffic), FTP (upload and download files), telnet (to perform commands on a remote computer), and SMTP (email).
  • Proxy: This involves an intermediate system that intercepts all traffic and validates it before passing it to the organization’s network.
  • Stateful inspection: This involves establishing active connections by usually marking certain parts of outgoing data. This is then compared against the incoming data to see if it is valid.

Most firewall systems employ a combination of all these methods. Various types of firewalls available in the market include:

    1. Packet filtering firewall: This is the most basic type of firewall. It works by only filtering packets. This type cannot be used as a standalone firewall solution, as it cannot differentiate between good and bad traffic. It just follows the protocols and IP address rules set up already. It usually works in tandem Intrusion Prevention System(IPS)
    2. Stateful inspection firewall: This type of firewall does packet filtering and stateful inspection. Critical parts of incoming data are compared against a trusted database to ensure validity. It usually works in tandem with an IPS as well.
    3. Application proxy firewall: This firewall acts as an interceptor between outside traffic and the organization’s network. This ensures that protected systems never come in direct contact with incoming traffic. In addition, the proxy validates the packets by actually analyzing all or most of the data for suspicious content instead of just matching it against security policies.
    4. Circuit level firewall: This firewall ensures that connections and sessions are safe by observing the transmission control protocol. It doesn’t examine data and needs to be incorporated along with an IPS.
    5. Next-generation firewall (NGFW): Besides the basic packet and state inspection abilities, this type of firewall is trained to tackle the evolving cyberattack landscape using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Firewalls can be deployed on hosts or on the network. A host-based firewall is deployed on individual devices and maintained separately. It is cheaper and easier to set up but can only work for very small start-ups. Network-based firewalls are designed to work at a network level, protecting multiple devices at once by analyzing incoming and outgoing traffic. It is easier to maintain and provides better security.

Key Must-Have Features of Firewall Security Software

As with any other software, it is important to keep the specific needs of your business in mind while choosing a firewall security software. It is also essential to etch out the scope: what other security software will this firewall work with, and what is it explicitly required to do? With these factors in mind, here are the key features of firewall security software:

Key Must-Have Features of Firewall Security Software

Key Must-Have Features of Firewall Security Software

  1. High availability: High availability is important for enterprises and large organizations that cannot afford unprotected networks if the firewall system goes down. It ensures that if, for some reason, the firewall system goes down, the backup kicks in.
  2. Application proxy: The application proxy modifies and masks the source information in the outgoing data by acting as an intermediary between the web traffic and the company’s network. It also validates incoming data before passing it on to the network.
  3. Logging and reporting: Logging and reporting capabilities give IT administrators a bird’s eye view of the network in terms of the incoming and outgoing flow of data. This makes it easier to identify suspicious activity and block repeated attempts to access the network.
  4. VPN support: Virtual Private Networks are site-to-site encrypted networks that anonymize IP addresses. VPNs use tunneling protocols to create a secure connection between remote devices and the company’s private network.
  5. Network segmentation: Network segmentation divides a single enterprise network into a smaller logical network for the sake of maintenance and policy division. The traffic of one segment is kept separate from others, thus containing the effects of successful cyberattacks.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, firewalls stand as the first line of defense against potentially devastating attacks. From protecting sensitive data to ensuring uninterrupted network availability, firewalls play a critical role in safeguarding an organization’s digital infrastructure. Their ability to filter traffic, monitor suspicious activity, and prevent unauthorized access is essential for maintaining both the integrity and privacy of business operations.

Given the increasing complexity and sophistication of cyberattacks, relying on a robust and properly configured firewall system has become non-negotiable for businesses of all sizes. Whether it’s through packet filtering, stateful inspection, or advanced next-generation firewalls, having the right firewall solution in place allows organizations to mitigate risk, reduce vulnerabilities, and maintain a secure network environment.

When selecting a firewall, businesses must prioritize features such as high availability, deep packet inspection, logging, and VPN support, while also ensuring compatibility with other security solutions in place. Ultimately, firewalls not only protect organizations from the threats of today but also prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. By staying vigilant and proactive in their firewall security measures, businesses can ensure that their networks remain safe, resilient, and capable of withstanding the growing tide of cyberattacks.

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